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Night Vision Applications

There are many Night Vision Devices, Scopes, Monoculars & Modules on the market.

The choice & array can be quite daunting.

Depending upon the requirement, that being the results desired to be achieved, we provide the following as a simple kit selection guide -

Image Gathering -

Observation & Image Gathering -

  • Night Vision Devices, Scopes & Monoculars are primarily designed to be used as hand-held low-light Night Vision observation devise, but can be used for Night Vision image gathering, abate, the images are vigneted & typically of 'average' resolution. Example of Night Vision Devices, Scopes & Monoculars are -

MNV-K Night Vision Device 
MNV-S Night Vision Device 
PNP-Mi Night Vision Scope 

PNP-MCi Night Vision Device

All of our Night Vision kit is available at

We would be pleased to advise you as to the most suitable piece of kit for your low-light applications and requirements. Please contact us on

For further information, please contact the author, Rob MICHAEL Executive Director,
Military & Law Enforcement Technologies on either 0411 244969 or